Happy New Year!
We are all accustomed to making fitness and health resolutions but they can be hard to stick to. So, I thought that a stretch challenge of doing 5 minutes of stretching daily is not only beneficial but easier to commit to. Studies have shown that stretching regularly increases flexibility to improve posture, reduces joint pain and risk of overuse injuries, improves performance, and promotes relaxation to aid in stress relief. Would you rather stretch 5 minutes daily or potentially spend hours being sore and stiff?
Below is a breakdown sample weekly schedule with examples of stretches that you can do during your 5 minutes. Start this New Year with a simple addition.
Happy Stretching,
Dr. N
Sample Weekly Schedule with Example Stretches:
- ROM Neck Stretches (Hold each position for 10 seconds, Repeat 5x Throughout the Day)
- Bend neck forward toward the floor → place hand on back of head to increase stretch
- Bend neck upward toward the ceiling → place hand on forehead to increase stretch
- Turn head to the right → place right hand on cheek to increase stretch
- Turn head to the left → place left hand on cheek to increase stretch
- Bend neck to the right so your ear falls to right shoulder → place right hand on left temple to increase stretch. *Do not pull head down, just rest hand on temple*
- Bend neck to the left so your ear falls to left shoulder → place left hand on right temple to increase stretch. *Do not pull head down, just rest hand on temple*
- 45 Degree Neck Stretch
- Turn your head to the left approxiamtely 45 degrees
- Bend your head down towards the floor
- Place your right hand behind your back
- Place your left hand on the back of your head to deepen the stretch (Do not pull head to the floor, your hand just adds slightly more weight to the head and neck)
- Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on other side
- Seated Piriformis Stretch
- Sit in a chair and put right foot onto your left knee
- Keeping your back straight, slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch
- Hold here for 30 seconds. Repeat and then switch legs.
- Seated IT Band Crossover Stretch
- Sit with your legs extended out in front of you.
- Cross the involved (hurting) leg over your other leg, bending your knee and placing your foot flat on the floor.
- Rotate your body to look over the shoulder on the involved side until you feel a stretch.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Repeat four more times on each side.
- Hip Flexor Bed Stretch (2 sets of 30 second hold per leg)
- Lie flat on your back on your bed and scoot yourself to the side of your bed so your right leg is able to hang off the side of the bed.
- Slowly let your right leg hang down towards the floor off the side of the bed. Your left leg can stay bent with your foot on the bed or you can bring the left knee to your chest. You will feel a stretch in the hip flexor. Ideally, your foot will hover off the ground. But it’s okay if it touches the ground.
- Deepen the stretch by slightly bending your right knee. You should feel this across the thigh and front of the hip.
- Shoulder Raises
- While standing or sitting, and with your arms by your side and a straight back, slowly lift your shoulders up toward your ears.
- Hold here for 5 seconds.
- Slowly lower your shoulders back down.
- Repeat 5-10 times.
- Woven Child’s Pose
- Start on hands and knees. Point your toes behind you and bring your big toes to touch.
- Then take your knees wide – wider than your hips. Stretch your hands and arms forward as you relax your chest and head towards the ground. Your head might reach the ground or you can rest it on a block.
- For a strong shoulder stretch, lift elbows off the ground. Gentler option, let your elbows rest on the ground.
- To add the twist, bring the back of your right hand just underneath your chest, then slide your right hand underneath your left arm.
- Bring the outside of your right shoulder to the ground and the right side of your head.
- Relax your top left elbow and armpit down. Rest here for a few breaths, before switching to the other side (30 second hold)
- Resisted Sleeper Stretch
- Lay on your side with the bottom arm making a 90 degree angle with your body and your palm facing up.
- Bend your elbow toward you and rotate your palm down towards the floor. Place your opposite hand on the palm that is facing the floor and apply minimal downward pressure to this arm with your other hand.
- Resist the pressure by lifting the hand that is palm down facing the floor at 15% effort .
- Hold this position for 10 seconds then move the palm closer to the floor a little further and repeat the resistance hold. Move the palm closer to the floor and repeat about 3 times each side.
- Crossover Leg Stretch
- Lay on your back (on the floor or on bed). Bring your right arm out to your side. Use your left hand to assist you in bringing your right leg over your left leg and bend your right knee to 90 degrees.
- Turn your head to look to the right and take deep breaths as you hold the stretch. Each time you exhale let your body relax more into the stretch.
- If on a bed, you can deepen the stretch by scooting to the left side of the bed so when you bring your right leg over, the leg falls off the side of the bed. Go slow. Hold stretch for 30 seconds each side.
- Kneeled Thoracic Twists
- Sit the buttocks on the heels with the elbows and forearms placed firmly on the floor.
- Place one hand behind the head and on the neck and lead with your eyes to rotate upward to the ceiling on that side and lead with your elbow.
- Repeat the exercise leading with the elbow.

- Happy Baby
- Take a deep breath in for 4 seconds and let it out for 4 seconds
- Bring your knees to your chest and then lift your feet to the ceiling while keeping your knees bent.
- Grab the outside of your feet with your hands and pull gently downwards to deepen the stretch.
- Do 3 rounds of box breathing here (4 seconds in, hold breath for 4 seconds, slowly let breath out for 4 seconds, and hold 4 seconds)
- Tricep Stretch
- Use a small towel in one hand and raise the arm above the head and bend the elbow so the arm goes behind the back.
- Reach behind the back with the opposite hand and grasp the free end of the towel.
- Pull the lower hand towards the floor to stretch the tricep.
- Hold this stretch for about 5 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe while doing this stretch.
- Repeat the process for 2 sets of 10.
- Biceps Stretch
- Sit on the floor with your feet flat on floor and knees bent.
- Place your palms on the floor behind you with fingers pointing away from your body.
- Slowly scoot your butt away from your hands until you feel a stretch in your biceps.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Straight Arm Doorway Stretch
- Hook your fingers around a door frame or corner of a wall
- If using your right hand to hold the doorway, step your right foot forward and lean forwards through the doorway to create a stretch across your upper arm, front shoulder and slightly into your chest.
- You can reset the stretch and move your arm up or down to create more stretch in different parts of your chest and upper arm.
- Hold stretch for 10-30 seconds
- Standing Quadricep Stretch
- Stand in front of a wall and place your left hand against the wall for balance as you bend your right knee toward your buttocks.
- Use your right hand to grasp your right ankle and pull your right leg closer to your body to deepen the stretch.
- Hold for 30 seconds then switch legs.

- Seated Hamstring Chair Stretch
- Sit at the edge of a chair and extend one leg out in front of you with your heel on the floor.
- Hinge (bend forward) at your hips, leaning your chest toward the floor.
- Hold for a few deep breaths (10-15 seconds) before returning to your starting position.
- Repeat 3 times for each leg
- Standing Shin (Tibialis Anterior) Stretch
- Take shoes off and stand tall with one hand on a wall for support with knees slightly bent so they are not locked straight.
- Lift one foot up and place the top of the foot onto the floor so the toes are curled under while the other stays planted with sole of foot on the floor.
- The knee of the foot that is pointed on the floor should be bent more and you should feel a slight stretch in the shin.
- Hold it for 15 to 30 seconds.
- Repeat the stretch with the other foot.
- Desk/Table Wrist Extension
- Stand up.
- Turn your hands so that your fingers face the edge of the desk and palms are flat on the surface.
- Lean away from your desk with your arms straight while flattening your palms as much as possible.
- Hold for 10-30 seconds
- Desk/Table Wrist Flexion
- Stand up.
- Turn your hands so that your fingers face the edge of the desk and the backs of your hands are flat on the surface.
- Lean away from your desk with your arms straight.
- Hold for 10-30 seconds
- Finger Abduction Stretch
- Start with finger together tightly
- Splay fingers out as wide as possible like when you shout surprise
- Hold fingers in this position for 5-10 seconds then return to start position
*DISCLAIMER: Stretching should never be done to the point of causing pain. If you are under treatment for a musculoskeletal disorder, you should ask your physician about practicing these stretches since they could cause further injury.