
Having the necessary nutrition provides the fuel for our bodies to function and heal.

What we put into our bodies is important! Having the necessary nutrition provides the fuel for our bodies to function and heal. If we don't intake what our body needs then functionality and healing can decrease.

At N-LINE Health we provide nutritional recommendations on foods that can help decrease inflammation and support your body, recommend supplements that help support digestion and other organs/tissues/joints in the body, and educate you on WATER! Of course we make it fun and help you find ways to easily begin incorporating healthier nutrition into your daily life.


  • Dr. N Speaks at Glenbard East High School

I'm so honored that I was invited to speak not once but TWICE! I shared my story of how I overcame injuries after being involved in a car accident my senior year of high school. Click the link to hear a bit of my story and hopefully gain some positive words for yourself today.


Are you ready to achieve a higher functioning and balanced life?

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